Lobo Tiggre

35 days ago

Video: The Fed Isn’t Done Breaking Things, keep buying gold

Lobo Tiggre, author and publisher of theindependentspeculator.com acknowledges that there were signs of a recession in various sectors in 2022, but low interest rates and labour hoarding prevented it from fully materializing. However, he believes that a recession will soon become undeniable, possibly in the first half of 2024, based on indicators such as the declining trend in job openings. Tiggre expects a softer landing for the economy only if indicators prove to be wrong and the overall health of the economy is stronger than believed.


1292 days ago

Video: the economy is on life support stimulus that can’t be stopped

Lobo Tiggre was one of the stars of the MineProphets conference and his take on the state of the Western real economies is grim. He makes our own Nigel Somerville seem cheery.
